Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Recognizing Opportunity

I went to a Meetup hosted by Life Coach Christina Watson at Barnes and Nobles in Towson, MD yesterday. I am so glad that I did. The topic was very much aligned with my life. She outlined the steps in achieving your goals, which were:  Knowing where you are and where you are going. We are spiritual beings in a physical body. Everyone has guidance within. I learned that the word Desire means of the Father. I always thought of Desire as meaning, "wanting something or longing for something". So, being the person that I am, I looked up the word and yes it does mean that, but the word SIRE means Father, Author, Originator, according to Webster, For me, that said that God made everyone of us to desire success in our lives. Of course success is different for everyone. In essence:

Dreaming is the beginning
Deciding that you will commit to bringing the dream to life
Look at all of the opportunities that come your way and decide whether or not it will take you in the direction of your goal.
Does it align with your beliefs and morals?
Will you be able to achieve this goal without stepping on any one's toes?


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