Sunday, April 3, 2011

Another Fabulous Weekend

Another one of my home girls, friends for over 20 years,  visited on Saturday and we had a blast. We didn't drink a whole bottle of Chardonnay, but we laughed and had fun updating her website. I prepared a vegetarian meal, which she enjoyed. What a wonderful afternoon.

Church was very inspiring as always. For the last month or so, the topic has been about The Peace Church. Today's service was so on time with my last coaching Reacting vs Responding and a training class with Lynn Richardson called the "Divine Collaboration..". Ephesian 4. What I took away today "There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling..." (Ephesian 4:4) As I move through my life, I will NOT give the Devil a place. I WILL edify the body of Christ because there is only One LORD, one faith, and one baptism. I WILL allow the LORD to work on me and through me. I WILL let GOD's Light shine through me to inspire and empower the people who I come in contact with because we are all CONNECTED.


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