Monday, September 26, 2011

This is from my wonderful Life Coach, British Hill

Let's have a collective exercise today. Today...I want you to be very conscious of the energy you put around your thoughts and actions. Pay close attention to the "feelings" you have when you are thinking about (or talking about) your business, your work place, the people around you, your $ or lack of...etc. In other words, what you think about and focus on most often, you attract. So, starting right now, make it a point to catch yourself when you are having negative thoughts about ANYTHING today! Immediately turn it around and think it, say it, do it in a way that supports what you DO want! Not what you don't. If you want things to improve for the better, believe and claim that it will...and because it's so bad now, there is so much opportunity for it to get better and be a blessing to more people. I know for a fact that this exercise will unblock your blessings. I use it often and I try to apply it as much as possible. Try it all day today...and let me know how it goes"-)